As we continue to live and cope with uncertainty during these times, we have each been forced to find ways to keep ourselves engaged. For some of us not much has changed, but for most of us it’s a challenge. Now more than ever, the differences between work that distracts us and work that is productive are becoming easier to distinguish. It feels like we have so many ways to spend our time, but not many of us have ways to invest our time.
The MAC is an artist who’s creativity seems un-phased by the circumstances imposed by this pandemic. If anything, it has just graced him with more time to spend with his prolific brain. Most of us are familiar with his works on canvas and paper, however, he produces work in many other mediums.
We asked him some questions about how he is getting along though these Novel Corona times and got blown away by how he is able to shine off the influence of the art industry, political influence and economic motivations. The MAC is incredibly connected to this earth, like he is bound to it with a golden cord. He shared with us how he spends time working with nature - growing all kinds of plants and making landscape art and garden art all around them.
MAC DADDY! How do you foresee the future of the art market post COVID-19?
I'm not really even sure how it is now, but financially speaking i think a lot of people will be tighter on dough, at least for a little while... But, creatively, I think we are going to see a ton of bitchin' work from all this time spent at home. Artists that regularly work are kicking it into overdrive because there's nothing but time, and others who haven't drawn or painted in years are rediscovering old hobbies. Just like it always has been, creatives will continue to create, so the art market is gunna be just fine.
I’m glad to hear that you still are able to tap into your creative brain at home. Can you provide some insight into your studio life and how COVID-19 has made an impact? Any significant changes?
Well, my studio is locked up and in Downtown LA where the Covid is freely making its way through the street dwellers. So, I've had to makeshift a corner of a garage into my studio for now, but its working out perfect. It's next to a fridge and some speakers so thats all I need. Plus, there I can open the garage and get some daytime vibes in my life which is nice. The studio at the gallery is a (lovely) cave.
The MAC in his Downtown Los Angeles studio pre-isolation.
It is a cave, and lovely indeed! It is one of my favorite places in Los Angeles to be, in fact. I miss it dearly. Has this pandemic had any direct influence on your work or creative process?
Influence on my work - not really. I'm stuck in my brain anyways so my art is very rarely political or socially inspired. I guess its has a little bit in my creative process ‘cause I don't have the room and capabilities I do at the studio. If anything its given me a lot time to work so thats helping me grow as an artist.
Your brain sounds like a utopia. Invite me in there sometime… In my experience, creative time is just as important as creative space. It is hard to find a perfect balance between the two, but seems like you’re making it work. Is the town you live in on lockdown? Has the virus affected daily life amongst the locals?
Yeah. I live in LA, but have been staying down in OC at my folks. Down here people are mostly keeping to themselves I think. I don't really know to be honest I've been chilling at the pad.
That is rad to hear you are able to escape from the heavy LA Lockdown. Where’s the first place you’re going when this is all over?
Fuck I dunno maybe to have beer with Uncle Kevy.
Uncle Kevy
That seems like a very logical place to start. Other than painting or drawing, what is keeping you sane during this madness?
Those have been two big ones for me, but there's actually been a ton of stuff to keep my days busy. I spend lots of time gardening and cooking. I've got a wood fired oven at my disposal [that is actually an artwork by The MAC… See photo below] right now so that's been good fun. Having nowhere to go or be made me realize all the stuff I've been putting off. I've been able to get caught up on updating my site, cleaning out shit at my place thats been piling up, and stuff like that. Boredom is not one of my downfalls and i prolly already lost my sanity a while ago.
Wood fire pizza oven, design and mosaic handmade by The MAC
That is good to hear. In terms of your gardening, I’ve seen your garden in Mar Vista and the work you and your roommates have been putting into it during isolation. I also know that you have been doing landscaping for sometime now. Over time, it eventually that shifted from landscape maintenance to more landscape design and landscape art. Tell us a bit about this. Do you see this as part of your work as an artist?
Yeah I actually made a little personal landscaping "company" so I can get the contractor discounts haha check it out:
Dr. Greenthumb's Professional Gardens & Landscaping. Thinking back, I've been doing landscaping and gardening work since high school. I suppose it’s just part of how I was brought up. And on top of that, my folks have always been patrons of the arts - my mom majored in sculpture. So, at various times they have come up with interesting projects that entangle the worlds of art and landscaping. A lot of these projects I've tackled with my brother and have been centered around the idea of mosaicking. We've mosaicked a pizza oven, built and mosaicked an amorphous pedestal for a sculpture they had, put in stairs, mosaicked those - we've done lots of fun stuff. That's pretty much the foundation for how I got into the landscaping and art landscaping world. Right before this pandemic got bad, I was actually looking into welding classes so I can start making some large scale garden art. Stay tuned…
I am so excited to see what is coming. You clearly have ties to nature and this is where you find inspiration. There is a natural theme that runs through all of your works. I know that Peter Beard, one of the greatest nature photographers and artists, is someone who has influenced you greatly. He just passed away a few days ago. As far I as know, you have no personal connection with the guy other than through his artwork. Have you experienced a change in a relationship with his work since his passing? Or does it all just feel the same?
Yeah pretty crazy. I will always appreciate and love that guys work. His later work where he painted with his blood amongst other things and layered out his photos are insane. Plus, he was the man. I read an article the observatory wrote after he died that said something like... "Peter Beard - gentleman, socialite, artist, prophet, playboy, and fan of recreational drugs." Pretty solid legacy to leave haha, too bad we couldn’t get this dude to Shit Art Show 3..
Damn. That would have been legendary. Do you think anything beneficial can come from this pandemic? What?
Yes, definitely...
Even though everyone is stuck in their homes away from others I think this pandemic is actually somewhat unifying. It's a world wide crisis and an incredible thing to live through. I know I've never lived through anything like it - today I actually spoke to my (nearly) 98 year old grandmother, and she told me that she has never lived through anything like this. That's wild. So, yeah I think in a strange way it creates a worldwide unity ‘cause we're all in this together.
Also, I think its nice for our planet to get a break from all of our byproducts - as long as we can properly recycle all the extra plastic being used right now...
And lastly, I touched on it before, but I think right now creativity and innovation is spiking. Not just artistically speaking either. People have time on their hands and because of that I think we'll see some inventions, solutions, and inspirations.
A glimpse into The MAC’s quarantine creations:
I love your optimism and take on this. Tell us a bit about some of your influences. While developing as an artist was there anyone who you have been influenced or inspired by consistently over the years?
So many. That's a tough one ‘cause throughout my life theres been numerous influences, small and big, that have all played a part.
As a young artist I had a teacher named (can't remember how to spell this one) Ms. Shifranski and her class was essentially the extremely premature birth of SAC. So, naturally that had a massive influence on me creatively and philosophically.
Then, there's inspirational artists and movements I adored growing up like Dr. Seuss, Picasso, Dali, Basquiat, Tim Burton, the whole naive art movement, etc. Those have been people and styles I've strived to emulate and build upon. Impossible of course, but always worth the effort.
In terms of consistent influences I'd say the artists I work with regularly, my girlfriend, and my fam are pretty strong influences. I'm gunna make whatever I want, but I love hearing everyones opinions, even before my pieces are finished.
Listening to opinions while you are working is a unique thing as an artist. You must be super confident in your style and process to be able to share works as you progress on them.
On that note, it seems like everyone is able to share their work today using their almighty iPhone and the internet. We see artists sharing a lot of work all of the time. It is a blessing and a curse. Who are some of the artists active today whose work you are following? What about their work or practice interests you? Is there something that these artists have in common? What are some of the unique things that each of these artists have that piques and maintains your interest in them?
I try to spend as little as possible on that thing, but when I do here's some artists I'm always stoked on:
Coulter Jacobs - His technique and style in my opinion is unprecedented. He's easily one of my favorite contemporary artists. I'm lucky enough to know him personally and he's a huge inspiration. One thing he has stressed to me is studying artists of the past, and you can tell through his work that history lessons pay off.
Todd Francis - this guy has comedy and incredible technique. classic skate artist
Enrique Pichardo - Epic colors, beautiful shapes, cubist-esque.
Atom St. George - Insanely creative and talented. Reminds me of some Tim Burton stuff. Also, has multiple sclerosis and paints with numb hands. What a champion!
Hunter Potter - this is pure joy
Robert Nava - another artist who has perfected entertainment
Faye Moorhouse - just like the last two i mentioned, this is just fun art
I think the main thing they all have in common is they keep making it. A few of their styles are similar, but they each have their own unique touch on things. The main thing I've learned from all these people is to not stop doing it. There's so many rad artists out there, it's a beautiful thing.
While this isolation is suffocating us, The MAC’s take on these wild times combined with his unwavering commitment to making art is the breath of fresh air that we all need. As artists, we at SAC understand how difficult these times are for our peers. We are blown away at all of the beautiful support our community of artists in Los Angeles and all over the world are able to give each other during a time like this. We are also blown away by how people outside of our community recognize the importance and beauty of artwork and support us.
We always try to make a positive impact with our work at Shit Art Club. We designed this auction platform to help support artists at this time, patrons and fans by giving them an opportunity to collect works far below market value, sharing artists’ voices and stories, raising funds for the homeless on Skid Row and keeping the lights on and doors open at SAC. If you haven't yet, take a look at our COVID-69 Auction that features one artist each week. Tomorrow is the last day to place a bid on The MAC’s beautiful original painting, Swimming in Circles - which is completely relatable at times like this.
Click the link below to place a bid on an original by The MAC.
COVID-69 Auction Lot #003
The COVID-69 AUCTION will feature one work by a featured artist per week. We recognize that finances may be tight, and for this reason, we are starting with an especially low reserve and leaving it up to the people to decide what they want to pay.